Scott D. Seay, Hanging Between Heaven and Earth, Northern Illinois University Press, 2009:

“As the book project entered the home stretch…Joyce Krauser read and critiqued the entire manuscript.  Fortunately for me, she has the mind of a historian and offered a number of very helpful suggestions to make this book better than it ever would have been without her help.” “Thank you for your friendship and support.”


Ronald J. Allen, 2007:

Over the past fifteen years, Joyce Krauser has edited several of my books in both technical areas (e.g. spelling, grammar, scholarly format and form) and also for clarity of expression, development of argument, structure and movement and other macro-matters. She seeks to work collegially with me.

I have always found her work to be precise, accurate, and helpful. She asks excellent questions, meets deadlines, and volunteers suggestions. Best of all, she is a wonderful spirit. I cannot recommend her highly enough.                                       

Brown, Frank Burch, Good Taste, Bad Taste, and Christian Taste, Oxford University Press, 2003:

Joyce Krauser gave a most helpful perusal of much of the manuscript in its formative stages.

Ronald J. Allen and Clark M. Williamson, Adventures of the Spirit, University Press of America, 1997:

“Joyce Krauser provided valuable editorial support.”

Steussy, Marti J., David:  Biblical Portraits of Power, University of South Carolina Press, 1999:

Joyce Krauser rendered invaluable assistance in reading and commenting on the work in progress.

D. Newell Williams, Barton Stone: A Spiritual Autobiography. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2000:

“Joyce is an editor's editor. She knows how to write the English language and has an in depth and detailed knowledge of various forms of citation. I am confident that any manuscript I give to her will be returned ready for submission to the publisher.”


EditArts provides editing services  for  disciplines such as theology, history, biography, psychology, and music.

Specializing in editing for Liberal Arts publications